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Queen's English School Building
Tom Atkinson

Tom Atkinson is a British national hailing from Corby, a small town in Northamptonshire. Before studying to become an English teacher in Japan he was plying his teaching skills as a licensed ski instructor in Nagano. He loves drinking Japanese craft beer and eating sushi. He has a degree from Derby University in tourism management.

Tom used to work for an oil distribution company in England overseeing sales and production. He has always loved travelling and since coming to Japan he feels he has found a place where he can be truly content with life. He loves the Japanese culture and way of life and is currently studying the language.

Tom believes that if his students are relaxed and having fun when learning English it will be a much more rewarding experience for both student and teacher. This encourages students to further develop their communcation skills.

Apart from skiing, Tom's hobbies include playing football, golf and pool. He has had a passion for sports since a good age and firmly belielves that a healthy body equals a healthy mind.

Language for life